Starring: Artur Paczesny, Monika Kwiatkowska, Artur Steranko, Agnieszka Kwietniewska
Directed by: Grzegorz Dębowski
Rating: ★★★★☆
The Polish release of Tyle co nic (Next to Nothing, 2023) in March this year could not be more well-timed. It occurred in the wake of the recent European farmers’ protests. Since then, breeders and croppers have expressed their dissatisfaction for EU red tape and competition from cheap food imports by blocking roads and dumping manure all over the Old Continent.
Grzegorz Dębowski didn’t have a crystal ball to foresee such massive demonstrations upon penning the script of his full-length debut film. Perhaps, like many others, he just sensed in the air growing resentment among farmers. In any case the anti-Ukrainian stance often seen in reality at their rallies is not echoed in Dębowski’s drama, which revolves around the character of Jarek (Artur Paczesny), who happens to become the local leader of the farmers’ protest.
One night Jarek and the other demonstrators fill with manure the property of Lesław Kołodziej (Artur Steranko), a MP who is accused of having betrayed his neighbours for having supported a bill unfavourable to the agriculturalists. A few hours later the body of another farmer and Jarek’s close friend is discovered. All the while, he becomes the prime suspect, but begins investigating the murder on his own and decides to help his friend’s widow Irena (Monika Kwiatkowska).
Next to Nothing touches upon a plethora of topics on the big screen including the pseudo-solidarity often feigned by the local clergy and politicians alike at the countryside, as well as the issue of farmland grabbing which has impacted Europe to a certain degree. The list is in fact longer, but Dębowski’s approach never feels heavy-handed.
The movie holds together very well thanks to Paczesny’s stupendous performance as Jarek, an upstanding and surly, almost Eastwood-esque, “rural detective” who is determined to find the truth at any cost. After launching the career of emerging directors, such as Piotr Domalewski (Silent Night, 2017) and Damian Kocur (Bread and Salt, 2022), Studio Munk got it right again as the main producer of Dębowski’s first feature film. Next to Nothing was named Best Directorial Debut at the Gdynia Film Festival.
Film Reviewed by Giuseppe Sedia
Published by Kino Mania on May 23, 2024